Banyan & Nomad

Balance Series

Pilates & Dynamic Balance

Pilates is a great way to improve your balance and overall physical health. It focuses on core strength, flexibility, and coordination, which can help you become more aware of your body's fundamental movements and reactions.

Pilates reinforces the abdominal core muscles that support the spine, hips, and shoulders.

This helps improve posture and reduces back pain by increasing your awareness of how you move in space. These training sessions also help with proprioception - which is essential for balance and coordination.

Pilates can also relieve stress as it encourages relaxation through breathing techniques and addition of mindfulness.By focusing on the quality of movement rather than speed or repetition, Pilates can help reduce tension in the body while providing a sense of calmness.

Overall, Pilates can help develop better balance, improve posture, reduce stress, increase core strength and even aid in rehabilitation after an injury or surgery.

It can support any physical activity, whether it be running, playing basketball, swimming, or lifting weights, by increasing strength and flexibility.

Most importantly, awareness and the ability to move with awareness and intent.

Dynamic Balance

Dynamic balance is a crucial but frequently ignored component of any workout regimen. It involves using your body's natural movements to maintain stability and posture.

This type of balance can help improve coordination, agility, and proprioception – the ability to sense where your body is in space.

Start with basic exercises like side-to-side shuffles and single-leg stands to improve your dynamic balance. These exercises involve moving your feet in different directions while maintaining balance.

You can increase your fitness level with these workouts as you get more accustomed to them by adding weights or changing the velocities of movement patterns.

For example, do side-to-side shuffles while carrying a medicine ball or do single-leg stands on an unstable surface, such as a foam pad or Bosu ball.

Additionally, it's essential to include some flexibility work into your routine.

Stretching can help improve your range of motion and make it easier to perform dynamic balance exercises without compromising form or risking injury.

Try adding dynamic stretches such as standing side bends or standing knee hugs into your warm-up before performing dynamic balance exercises.

Dynamic balance training should be included in any fitness program for maximum benefit.

With regular practice and dedication, you will soon notice improved coordination and agility and increased mobility and stability in the lower body.