Banyan & Nomad

Balance Series

Fear of Falling & Breath

Fear of falling is a common concern among older adults and can significantly impact their quality of life. Several things, including physical weakness, balance deficits, and fear or anxiety, can bring it on. Despite this, you can take some action to reduce the fear of falling and improve safety.

Ankle proprioception for example (the ability to feel where your foot and ankle are in space) can be improved with exercise. Improving proprioception will help with balance and coordination, which in turn can reduce the risk of falls.


Fundamental ways to reduce the fear of falling are through proper breathing techniques. Deep respiration through the diaphragm activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which aids in body and mind relaxation.

This type of breathing also improves blood flow to the brain, aiding focus and attention.

Additionally, it aids in releasing tension from the body which may help reduce stress, anxiety, or fear related to balancing activities.

To practice deep diaphragmatic breathing, start by:

  1. Resting your hands on your lap or sides while sitting back in a chair with your feet flat on the floor.

  2. Take a few deep breaths while focusing on expanding your belly rather than just your chest as you inhale deeply through your nose into your lower abdomen.

  3. Then, exhale slowly through slightly pursed lips while engaging your abdominal muscles until all the air has been released from your lungs.

By incorporating this type of mindful breathing into daily activities such as yoga, meditation, or stretching exercises, individuals can gain greater control over their breath which can help decrease the fear of falling and improve overall balance.