Elena Marian Elena Marian

Slip & Fall Prevention Education

Maybe you don’t need to worry about falls but perhaps you have a family member who does. And anyone can trip over an unexpected bump in the road.

So take a minute and think about your loved one.

Do they trip sometimes or a lot?

Do they have trouble stepping over curbs, stairs, do they look down a lot, do they feel anxious sometimes about falling?

Fear of falls can damage a person’s quality of life.

Here’s how to keep everyone on the up and up.

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Elena Marian Elena Marian

Jet Lag Remedy


What is it?

According to the National Institute of Special Medical Sciences, circadian rhythms are, “physical, mental & behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle”.

In the hypothalamus, an area of the brain, there is the suprachiasmatic nucleus, a cluster of neurons where light input travels to this specific area of the brain, a “master clock…that coordinates all the biological clocks…and keeps them in sync”.

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Elena Marian Elena Marian

Cerebral Palsy

Exploration of an Occupational Therapy Home Educational Program using the Pilates Method to support occupational performance for an adolescent diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.

Study Presented at AOTA, 2018

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