Parkinson’s Disease Rehabilitation

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s Disease is a degenerative disorder that affects the nerve cells in the brain, specifically substantia nigra that produce dopamine. Dopamine supports coordinated smooth muscle movement. Decreased dopamine levels lead to the appearance of Parkinson’s symptoms.

Depending on the stage of the disease, symptoms include slow movement (bradykinesia), postural imbalance and coordination, gait changes (smaller steps, freezing), loss of vocal amplitude (hypophonia), decreased writing (micrographia), tremors and rigidity in the limbs and face, decreased amplitude of movement (hypokinesia) and sleep disturbances. 

There are 5 stages to the neurodegenerative disorder and the earlier the diagnosis and subsequent treatment the higher change of slowing progression and maintaining a level of independence and quality of life.

Current interventions include pharmacological, neurosurgical, muscular strengthening and vocal exercises.


  • LSVT® is a clinically proven treatment for Parkinson’s disease at every stage of diagnosis. There are 2 branches of intervention LSVT Big® (lead by occupational therapists and physical therapists) and LSVT Loud® (speech therapists).

    Clinical studies have shown LSVT® to have a positive impact for other disorders including stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome.

    LSVT Big® Treatment

    To gain optimal results the treatment protocol requires intense collaborative work between client and therapist. It is composed of 16 sessions, 4 days a week for 4 weeks.

LSVT Big® Evaluation

  • Please click the link under Additional Resources to download your profile package. Once you complete the form it will automatically be sent to us.

    It is important to have your information sent a few days prior to evaluation in order to maximize your time with your therapist.

    During the 90 minute in-person evaluation you will be taken through a number of assessments including movement analysis, gait, fine and gross motor, ability to perform daily activities.The evaluation along with the profile package gauge your strengths, challenges and goals.

    A key part of the evaluation is a Video Interview.

    A symptom of Parkinson's Disease is a discord in sensory calibration where the brain perceives decreased movement as normal.

    Think of seeing a room as brightly lit when in reality, it is dimly lit.

    Using video footage throughout the treatment sessions helps re-calibrate movement (turn up the dimmer in your own body) and supports the neuroplasticity of the brain so that your may move through life with normal movement.

    All video footage is stored on a secured device only able to be viewed by therapist and client.

    The initial evaluation is key to creating a tailor-made treatment plan that best supports your goals and needs for a healthier and fuller life.

LSVT Big® Treatment

  • The protocol is vigorous a 60-minute 16 sessions 4 days a week for 4 weeks.

    There is an option of in-person, virtual or mixed.

    Each session comprises of LSVT BIG specific exercises, review of prior daily homework, carryover tasks, video of the certain movements and set up for the following day.

    In order to fully benefit from the protocol, the remaining 3 days you will continue to independently perform the LSVT BIG exercises along with daily homework.

    Every session we meet the session is adjusted to your needs and improving abilities.

    Commitment and motivation are key to successfully completing the program.

Discharge Plan

  • After completing all 16 sessions the therapist will go over your progress from initial evaluation up to the last session.

    To support your transition after discharge your goals and needs will be reviewed and any questions you may have will be clarified. This way you may feel confident in continuing the work independently.

    Key to the program’s success is continuing your LSVT BIG exercises 2 times a day for the rest of your life.

    Neuroplasticity requires continuous engagement.

    Just like any muscles, you train it, it will support you.

Program Payment

  • Evaluation

    60 minutes $250


    16 sessions each 60 minutes in-person, virtually or mixed $200 per session


    60 minutes $150

    Total Treatment $ 3600

    Payment Plan Option

    1st Payment due at Evaluation $1800

    2nd Payment due session 8 $1800

    Insurance Coverage

    Although we do not accept insurance plans we will gladly create a superbill should you choose to submit to your insurance.

Additional Resources