Banyan & Nomad

Balance Series 

Obstacle Course

Obstacle courses are a dynamic and exciting way to incorporate balance training into your fitness regimen. These courses are designed to challenge the neuromuscular systems in the body, improve agility and enhance balance control.

Obstacle courses consist of various obstacles and can be built up either inside or outside, such as vertical jumps over hurdles, plyometric exercises, balance beams, cones for side-stepping, and various walking exercises.

Each obstacle course requires the participant to use different muscle groups effectively and efficiently. By doing so, the neuromuscular systems in the body are challenged and strengthened.

The agility and balance control required to complete the course are essential to balance training. Obstacle courses also provide a fun and engaging way to participate in balance training. The course can be designed with different difficulty levels to cater to specialized training needs.

Aside from strengthening neuromuscular systems and enhancing balance control, obstacle course training offers additional benefits.

Completing an obstacle course can increase an individual's confidence in their ability to carry out activities that require balance and coordination. Participating in obstacle course training sessions has also improved cognitive processing speed, a vital aspect of brain function.

Obstacle courses can also reduce the risk of falls, which is critical for older adults at a higher risk of falls that can lead to injury. Falls can occur due to sudden or unexpected events in an individual's surroundings. The challenges posed by obstacle courses can help participants prepare for these events.

Incorporating obstacle courses into your balance training program is an exciting way to challenge your neuromuscular systems, improve agility, and enhance dynamic balance control.

It is an enjoyable and engaging activity and offers additional benefits such as increased confidence and improved cognitive processing speed.

Forward hip sway strategy

The forward hip sway strategy is a highly effective technique utilized in the Balance Program: The Core Series Weeks 5-8 to improve balance.

This strategy requires the engagement of both the abdominals (core) and the quadriceps (front of the thighs) to execute effectively.

To perform this strategy correctly, the individual should maintain a neutral pelvis position. Afterward, they should keep a steady upper body while leaning the pelvis forward.

This movement should begin at the ankles, up to the knees, hips, quads and abdominals to help maintain stability.

The forward hip sway strategy improves balance by enhancing the individual's core stability and building strength in their quadriceps.

By targeting these specific muscle groups, the individual can improve their overall balance, making it easier to maintain a stable position during exercises and activities that require balance.

Backward hip sway strategy

The backward hip sway strategy is an effective technique utilized in the Balance Program: The Core Series Weeks 5-8 to improve balance.

This strategy involves swaying the hips backward while engaging the abdominals, hamstrings, and paraspinal to maintain balance.

Unlike the forward hip sway strategy that targets the quadriceps, the backward hip sway strategy emphasizes the activation of the hamstrings.

By targeting different muscle groups, individuals can take a significant step forward in achieving their balance goals and ensuring adequate control and stability during backward movements.

Stride variability significantly increased in fallers proving that exercises that support neuro-muscular systems will improve walking patterns through proper gait. Among community-living older adults, gait speed was similar in fallers and non-fallers, while measures of stride variability were significantly increased in fallers. Adapted from Hausdorff, Edelberg et al. (1997)