Banyan & Nomad Balance Series 

Sensory Integration

These activities may include balance exercises that require focus on proprioception, such as standing on one leg or using a stability disk, and breathing exercises, such as meditation.

For example, Pilates can help increase proprioceptive awareness, balance, and stability.

These exercises are beneficial for healthy aging since they help improve body strength, coordination, and cognitive functioning.

By engaging in activities that promote sensory integration regularly, you can enjoy better physical health, psychological well-being, social functioning, and overall quality of life.

Sensory integration is crucial to living a balanced life.Sensory integration is essential for the human body to coordinate our movements and be aware of our environment to interact safely and efficiently.

Proper sensory integration also helps us maintain balance and stability, reducing the fear of falling. Practicing sensory integration exercises regularly can improve the quality of life for people of all ages.

A Balance Program incorporating activities designed to improve sensory integration can be helpful for those struggling with difficulty integrating sensory information into their daily life.