Banyan & Nomad

Balance Series

Neuro-Muscular Systems 

Supporting the neuro-muscular systems is an essential component of a holistic fitness program. The Balance Program: The Core Series Week 5-8 focuses on incorporating exercises that challenge the neuromuscular system and enhance proprioception to improve balance, coordination, and posture.

Strength training is crucial in the program as it helps preserve or increase muscle mass, strength, and power, which are essential for bone and muscle health as we age.

To support the neuromuscular system, incorporating exercises that challenge proprioceptive abilities, which are awareness of body position and movement, is beneficial.

The Core Series includes the type of exercises that support neuro-muscular systems, such as:

  1. Obstacle courses

  2. Forward hip sway

  3. Backward hip sway

  4. Anticipatory and adaptive reactive postural control

  5. Reformer short box

  6. Yin Yoga

  7. Meditation

These exercises challenge both the body and the mind to maintain balance and stability, enhancing the responsiveness of the neuromuscular system.

In addition to the proprioceptive challenges, including core stability exercises in the program can improve overall neuromuscular activation.

Incorporating balance and core stability exercises in the Balance Program: The Core Series Week 5-8 can enhance the neuro-muscular systems' efficiency and improve posture, coordination, and balance.

Let's take a detailed look at the exercises and why they are so beneficial for the aging population to maintain a balanced and independent lifestyle.