Banyan & Nomad Balance Series 

Proximal Stability-Distal Mobility & Why Barefoot?

Proximal stability leads to distal mobility is an essential concept for anyone who wants to improve their balance, strength, and coordination.

It means that when the muscles around your core are solid and stable, it can help you move more efficiently with less risk of injury in your limbs.

The best way to achieve proximal stability is by engaging in various exercises to build strength in your core and glutes.

We recommend the following exercises for stability training:

  • Planking

  • Walking heel-to-toe

  • Standing on one foot

Planking is an excellent exercise for this purpose, as it helps to strengthen the entire trunk area. In addition to strengthening the muscles around your core, practicing balance exercises like walking heel-to-toe or standing on one foot is essential. This will help you develop better balance as well as proprioception.

Once your core is solid and stable, these skills will allow you to move more freely and confidently while performing activities like running or sports.

To sum up, proximal stability leads to distal mobility by providing a solid support base for your entire body. With a steady foundation, you can move more quickly and safely with lower injury risk.

Why is the Workout Done Barefoot?

Working out without shoes helps promote better balance and stability while reducing the risk of injury by allowing your feet to move and flex unrestrictedly.

Additionally, working out barefoot encourages proprioception, an internal sense of knowing where your body is in space.

This improved awareness can help you to become more aware of how your body moves, allowing for greater control and precision when performing exercises.

Going barefoot during workouts reduces the risk of uncomfortable foot issues such as blisters or calluses due to the repetitive motions and friction created by wearing shoes.

And because there's no cushioning between your feet and the ground, you can engage intrinsic muscles while exercising – meaning more significant gains in strength and power.

So if you want to improve your balance, core strength, agility, and overall quality of life, consider trying barefoot exercises.