Improve your Balance & Improve your Health

Banyan & Nomad Balance Program


Week 5-8

Why are core strength training exercises such a crucial component for older adults? By incorporating core training into your exercise routine, seniors can improve their overall muscle strength and coordination and reduce the risk of falls.

In the Balance Program: The Core Series Weeks 5-8, we'll focus on advanced exercises that further challenge your stability and core strength.

The Balance Program will give you the resources and encouragement to achieve your goals to increase your physical fitness, your ability to move through life with ease, and decrease fear of falling.

It goes beyond a workout, it is about supporting what you want do in life, whether that is hiking with friends, or able to sit/stand playing with grandkids.

These exercises are designed to build upon the foundation you've established in the first four weeks of the program.

By the end of the Core Series, you'll feel more stable and confident in your movements and have a stronger and more toned core.

The Balance Program also has two voluntary assessments: at the beginning of the program and at the end of the program. This program is preventative, not skilled; the assessments are to gauge individual progression and as a companion to possible future research.

Click on the drop-down below for in-depth information on the components of The Banyan & Nomad Balance Program


Are you struggling with balance and stability in your everyday life?

The Balance Program was created using the author's years of client-facing experience, her occupational therapist background, Pilates and yoga training and three years of balance research, seminars, and workshops.

Are you afraid of falling if you go outside?

The Balance Program is a preventative course that aims to reduce your risk of falling and improve your ability to move through daily activities more easily and with less fear, combining strength, flexibility, and balance training with occupational therapy techniques, Pilates, yoga, and meditation.

Would you like to add an additional layer of an evidence-based program to your current exercise regimen or supplement?

Would you like to improve your current workout routine/ supplement with the additional layer of an evidence driven program?

Join the Balance Program

The introductory Foundational Series (Week 1-4) is an effective training phase to improve your physical and mental well-being.

The value of the course is to support the participants in living a more independent life. For example, managing activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)

By following the structured program, you can develop better habits and routines that will support overall health and balance in your life.

Program Break-Down

  • At the beginning and end of the program you will be prompted to set up a free 30 minute meeting with the founder where you will be given 2 assessments. The purpose of these simple assessments is two fold. To gauge your current abilities and progress. Secondly, for those interested, data will collected for future study on the efficacy of the program and the positive impact of a preventative balance program, The information is kept confidential, names and personal information are not stored. You can opt out of the study at the beginning of the program and still receive the pre/post results.

  • Beginner weeks 1-4 Foundational Series and Core Series weeks 5-8 rental package price is $325 each, with an option to purchase. Rentals have a two month period of time to complete them. Purchased Series are yours with unlimited time.

  • The Full Balance Series weeks 1–8 curriculum rental price is $650 with an option to buy. The full series takes three months to complete. Extensions are not available. Why? Consistency is key to garner results.

  • Each module includes 2 weekly workouts, 45 minutes and 35 minutes respectively. The mat workout is to be performed 3x a week. The chair workout 1x a week. However, there is flexibility in which workouts integrate best into your daily routine.

  • Every week builds on the previous one. For best results, do the full program, so you don’t lose momentum and save money.

  • The course is driven by evidence based research. Specifically it was created to support clients improve balance and live with more ease.

Join the balance program today by following the link below.

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Age Differences in Timed Accurate Stepping With Increasing Cognitive and Visual Demand: A Walking Trail Making Test Neil B. Alexander,1,5,6 James A. Ashton-Miller,2,5 Bruno Giordani,3 Ken Guire,4 and Albert B. Schultz2,5


Improve your Balance & Improve your Health

Create Balance For Life